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Landelijke AI-dag voor bibliotheken

Brightlands Smart Services Campus Smedestraat 2, Heerlen, Nederland

Welke invloed heeft AI op de toekomst van bibliotheken?

AI & Media Lab

Hogeschool Utrecht Padualaan 101, Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland

Event with talks on the latest AI & Media research projects about the application of AI in the media industry.

AI4Debunk Mini-Symposium: Through AI from Disinformation to Trust

Hogeschool Utrecht – locatie Heidelberglaan Heidelberglaan 15, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Mini-Symposium on October 22nd, about bringing together experts, researchers, and professionals to explore the role of AI in combating disinformation and rebuilding trust.

Ethics Game Day SURF

SURF Amsterdam Science Park 140, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Event that gives space for and investigate how ethics-focused games can serve as a unique way to teach public values or create the right space to talk about ethics in institutions.

Expertsessie AI Act

HvA Benno Premselahuis Rhijnspoorplein 1, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

Expertsessie over de AI Act over de invloed van de nieuwe wet.